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9:55 p.m. - 2007-09-21

75 Things you either wanted to know, or dont care to know about the man that is Ghost.

1. I was born in Queens NY, 1975.

2. I take my coffee with ameretto and splenda, lowfat milk.

3. I was afraid of spiders when I was a child. Even rubber ones my dad tied to the fridge to keep me out.

4. I hate butter, mayonaise, margerine, most cheeses and anything slightly resembling "creamy" in the title.

5. I wear a size 13 shoe/boot/box on my feet. I went as high as 14 when my parents gave up trying to figure out when I would stop outgrowing shoes.

6. I have one brother, and two sisters. John 33, Jennifer 28, and Eileen 22 or 23 I forget.

7. I am a lucid dreamer when I sleep.

8. I was born with extremely light blonde hair, but as time passed its turned a light brown/dirty blonde.

9. Im a cuddle monster....RAWR!!!!! *pounce*

10. My weight fluctuates between 240-300lbs depending on whats on the menu.

11. Im still great friends with my high school music teacher. He is a kung fu instructor with over 30 yrs experience kicking ass.

12. I prefer boxers.

13. I sleep naked.... usually.

14. We have two pets in the house, a yellow shorthair tabby named sugarplum, and the walking shedder sasha the siberian husky from hell.

15. I prefer fresh fruit to candy or cake.

16. I like to make "raspberry" noises over the phone for no reason.

17. Im slightly OCD. Except when it comes to household chores.

18. I procrastinate most of the time.

19. Im a pessimist by nature.

20. Most of my clothing is black.

21. Im slightly nearsighted, but dont wear glasses or contacts. I can see naked girls just fine.

22. I didnt get my drivers liscence until the age of 22/23.

23. I have actually gotten "wood" from touching weapons. Shaddap.

24. Yes I sleep with my guns. Nothing elose will...ha!

25. Ive never went hunting.

26. Im an extremely fast sprinter.

27. I enjoy thinking tactics, like in video games, or chess. Strategy is a hobby.

28. I have a small collection of beany babies. Oh and rubber duckies.

29. I used to sing in a school chorus in grades 4 and 5.

30. I never use a checking account book which came with the checks, all my finances are done mentally. Which prolly explains why Im broke all the time.

31. I used to play little league baseball growing up.

32. Ive never taken drugs.

33. Ive used beer as a meal.

34. I own 6 diffrent sets of handcuffs.

35. Im ticklish.

36. I prefer to sleep on my right side, in the fetal position.

37. I twitch when Im reacting to thoughts in my head which require quick physical movements.

38. I love mangos.

39. I eat tuna from the can. And corn, and everything else really.

40. I cant look girls in the eye when Im extremely attracted to them.

41. I cry during sad movies.

42. Ive slept on an old couch in the living room for almost 10 yrs.

43. I was jersey #66 in my highschool football team.

44. I used to eat condiments as food when I was a kid. Ah, mustard sandwiches....

45. And I drank vinegar.

46. I prefer to drown my food in gravy or sauce, so its soupier...

47. I curse at people who drive like assholes when Im on the road, even though I know they cant hear me.

48. I dont like bright sunlight, so overcast days make me happier.

49. Ive never been in surgery before.

50. I cant swim well at all.

51. I save all my magazines Ive ever bought.

52. Ive been a recreational diver since Dec of 1997.

53. I turn away, or leave the room when something embarrassing happens to a character on tv or a movie.

54. I have lots of good ideas, and I do nothing with them.

55. I have 2/3 tattoos. I have zero piercings.

56. I am covered with freckles which get closer when exposed to sunlight....like a blonde haired octopus.

57. Ive never ridden a motorcycle, but want to.

58. I once considered taking flying lessons from a priest.

59. I was born roman catholic. Now Im an athiest. I think...

60. I was left back in third grade. (see Mr Egolf sucks donkey balls entry)

61. I used to be afraid of the dark, now its my favorite time of day.

62. I have a 19 inch neck.

63. Im fascinated by disgusting body calamities.

64. I havent saved money by switching to geico.

65. Homey didnt play that, and never will.

66. I was badly burned long ago and it gave me sun poisoning.

67. Ive taken a few diffrent martial arts.

68. I love sushi, especially dragon rolls.

69. My favorite icecream is cherry garcia.

70. I havent been to a dentist in 10 years.

71. My favorite time of year is the fall.

72. I want kids someday.

73. The carpet doesnt match the drapes.

74. I have a morbid sense of humor.

75. Ive been propositioned by gay men three times.

I think thats enough crap for one sitting.

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