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9:58 p.m. - 2011-04-14

I realize its been a while since I vented here. A lot has been going on, on and off the computer, and life in general.

My birthday passed with little fanfare. Something I will have to remedy next year. If not for myself, then as a celebration that is the lottery which is life.

The biggest changes have taken place this week alone. Big changes. Mostly to my psyche. Some of which I will not be able to mention by name, due to the very nature of the change I would drive people away. It is also said the power of which grows when in secret, so shall it be.

Its almost magical when something just "clicks" inside your mind, to make you practically reel back in your chair when it finally hits you. It just makes sense. That's what took place. A revelation. One I cant even share with family. So instead I will feed it, and nurture it like a hidden pet in the closet. It will take a lifetime or more to grasp its entirety, but I have but one to make the attempt as best I can. There will be no guides, no one to consort with and ask questions. Study is the biggest demand made. To learn and decide the truth for myself.

I start my walking routine soon. When I get the motivation, the weather is getting more favorable...and Im running out of excuses not to start. My counselor called today asking me if I was working out. Guess that's the cue I was looking for after all. Someone is keeping track.

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