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9:18 p.m. - 2011-09-28

Its certainly been a while.....

I cant say I'm at fault for it, I mean....my PC died on me....

It abandoned me....

OK, it didn't but it felt like it. Ever since the end of June, I have been restless, bored and irritable. Withdrawals from the interwebs.

Back in July..... I became deathly ill. It all started so acutely I didnt realize how serious it was as the illness progressed though my body. But as time passed over hours I was in terrible shape. I felt "hot" and achy, and very dizzy and well..sick.

Friday night turned into Saturday and I had to wait for a family member to get home from work to drive me to the ER. This was around 730pm. Almost 24 hours after my first symptoms.

We arrived at the hospital around 9pm. My temperature was 102F. I couldn't urinate for a sample. It took 2 bags of saline before I was able to and that was around midnight. It looked like coffee or tea in color. We wont discuss what my stool sample looked like.

"I guess you know we are admitting you"

This was surprising actually, the last time I was in the hospital for fever they gave me a bag 0of saline, Tylenol and sent me home with a bill for $2000.

As they rolled me to my room they took my temp again...


They told me high fever in adults is rare and cause for concern. Hence my admission. And then the real fun began.

As I was so dehydrated the IV fluids they put me on started to allow my body to continue bodily functions, the most maddening was diarrhea. Every 30 minutes.

No, seriously. Every fucking 20-30 mi9nutes I had to shit. Which meant I had to have two nurses escort me, and my IV stand to9 the bathroom...because I was too dizzy and fatigued to walk unaided. This lasted for 6 days. I didnt sleep for 6 days....or risk shitting myself.

The fever persisted for 5 days. It peaked at 104.5F. I had three blood cultures drawn and bi-daily blood drawings.

I was being treated for pneumonia, stomach virus, and most peculiar of all, a facultative anaerobic Gram-positive coccal bacterium.

Staphylococcus aureus. In my blood.

If I had waited much longer before seeking medical aid they would have found my body in a day or two. They installed a PICC line in my right bicep to continue 14 days of super antibiotics. The nurses said they call it the silver bullet. Vancomycin

Ive never been so sick in my entire life, and I never want to go through that again. I lost nearly 25 pounds in 3 weeks.

My brother recently had a major medical setback of his own. It could have killed him, and it took a huge tool on the morale of the entire family. But he seems to be stabilizing and we are watching him carefully.

Only thing Im looking forward to now is vacation over Halloween week. Then the grind of the holidays is upon us. Hopefully I can get a new computer before or after the holidays.

Best regards to all.


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