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9:59 p.m. - 2005-08-26

They asked if they could call me in the early morning if someone "banged out" meaning called out for work.

"Uh, no"

A day off is just that, a day off. Sleeping in late, no fucking alarm clock, and poor food choices out of laziness. Time honored tradition passed down from slob to slug. I excell in being a lump of worthless manflesh on off days. No shame at doing something above and beyond the standard. Even if its low.

Payday today. Cheers all around.

Paid a bill, and found Myself wandering in the local EBGames shop for too long a time. When this happens its because I feel personally obligated to waste money on a game I will play once and forget.

God Of War.

I saw the previews on TV. Looked good. Read the box a dozen times, dozen or so diffrent occasions. I asked a clerk what they thought of it. (usually suicide asking a salesperson about a product because it will be the best thing next to sliced bread)

"It will win game of the year, no doubt".

His tone was matter of fact, no bullshit.

Yes, I bought a strategy guide too, fuckfaces.... I like knowing what Im in for. Came with a step by step DVD too. Yes I watched the whole fucking thing. All 2 hours of it.

Even before putting it in My PS2 I knew this was an awesome game. And it looked easy in the hands of a pro demo playing it for the review.

I got axed even on easy. My reflexes for gaming has decresed due to lack of playing, old age and its pitiful. Games are so complicated now, but incredibly addicting. Sort of like that girl in the skirt in the library reading poetry. Have your shit in one bag....

Blood, gore, violence and fucking. Two thumbs up.....

My skin is breaking out again. Worse than greasy pustules....

Oily scales of dead skin on My face.

Usually when its warm, and dry this happens. Or in cold temps. Stress also causes it, and poor diet. Being stressed out while eating chocolate covered in sweat is a no no.

Im bored.

Still putting off everything else I sit here and wonder what it might be like to actually succeed at the things I dream about. COmmercials buzzing on Tv I am still riding the high of My new toy. But not moving more than it takes to get a new bottle of water.

Should I even complain at this point? I dont make any choices on changing things. Maybe Im too jaded to even consider moving forward.

Reading other diaries I cant help but mention we are all alike in more ways than people realize. How simlilar My personal thoughts have been to the mind of a girl half My age, or someone older than Me. I used to think I was devlopmentally disadvantaged to other people. EMotionally retarded. But I know thats horseshit. I just view things sideways instead of right ways.

I should be getting to bed.

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