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5:34 p.m. - 2005-08-08

Jung Explorer Test
Actualized type: INTJ
(who you are)
INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population.
Preferred type: ESTJ
(who you prefer to be)
ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population.
Attraction type: ENTP
(who you are attracted to)
ENTP - "Inventor". Enthusiastic interest in everything and always sensitive to possibilities. Non-conformist and innovative. 3.2% of the total population.

Take Jung Explorer Test
personality tests by similarminds.com

who really gives a shit. I had to guess on some cuz I was feeling lazy.

I forgot to mention a chance meeting of sorts yesterday. Totally unexpected, random and I believe My eyes did not decieve me. A old face from My past. A coworker from a retail store. She was LP, I was a store slave. She was scared of me the first time she came to the store. But did I ever have a crush on her. Miss Katie. She smoked too much, swore like a sailor, and was way too sassy for My tastes. But I couldnt get her out of My head. She had been forgotten until yesterday, and I got all bent up over it again. She saw me, pretended not to recognize me, and we never spoke or made eye contact.

I dunno....

Never watch a movie on world destruction before bed.

My views on afterlife, or lack therof causes me alot of grief, and stress. I cant lie in bed blissfully unaware like everyone else that something better awaits me. Even the thought of rotting in a box bothers me. Not that I have any choice in it, but still. I have yet to fullfill My biological responsibility. If life is supposed to be full of experiences, I am sitting on the sidelines. Dont let this introspective rambling lead you to believe that I am a blubbering mass of tears over My lack of things. I am still a fully functioning moron of adequate standards. Sometimes I just cant help mentioning My setbacks....

Kind of like a reminder.

I worked on a random route today. With a much older co worker, who has been with the company a long time. he complimented My speed which I colorfully refer to as "efficiency". I simply dont fool around like everyone else. Sort of reminds me that I have been told by many employers, they wished they had more of me as their job would be easier. Not that cloning me is a good idea......but so many compliments, of the same regard from diffrent people cant be a bad thing.

I still need a vacation. All in good time.

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