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Jane Doe183 - 05/01/2012

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5:40 a.m. - 2005-02-21

Im still feeling sick, and there is over 5 inches of new snow on My car. The roads have NOT been plowed and I need to go to work.

This is sooo not cool.

I hate not being able to breathe through My nose. Slow, carefully choreographed(sp?) breaths with My mouth open, throat dry and screaming and nose leaking all over My pillow. Thats no way to sleep.

I bought new work pants yesterday, seemed to be the right size. But were regular cut, and not booty cut like the last pair. They will have to be returned.

If I was still losing on My diet, they would/might have fit anyway.

Just one more thing to feel crappy about right?

But there is a silver linig on the clouds in the distance. I "could" try and save money on My car insurance by switching to Geico....


As if they would take me....

It just needs to stay warmer, so I can play hooker. Take My bike and peddle My ass all over town.

Well, times a wastin......as usuaul.....

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