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Jane Doe183 - 05/01/2012

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8:44 a.m. - 2005-02-07

I ccant breathe through My nose...

I had to call in sick this morning. It was bad enough I actually went to work yesterday when the symptoms began to appear. One of the supervisors was-not-pleased to hear of My notshowingupness. I knew he wasnt mad, just put in a bad situation because we have been really shorthanded lately. I will offer to work My normal day off if I feel better.

I spent about 10 hours playing that damn gameboy yesterday into early moring. I didnt even log on the computer, i went to bed (no tv, no superbowl) and played a game while i felt like crap, couldnt eat, and couldnt sleep. Im literally having to close one eye because Im seeing double. No shit...

After that last entry I was pretty depressed. Couldnt be helped but I think I can think more rationally now, and more clearly. Im just seeing double......

I came home late last night from work to My rooms door being open, the light on.....AND....it lookd as if the place had been ransacked. desk drawer opened and everything styrewn about. Garbage everywhere.....

My first thought?

I drew My duty weapon and explored the house. The front door was unlocked, and I took it for granted someone might have been home.

Upstairs I found My youngest siter on the phone. Sigh of relief.

Next logical suspect?

That fucking evil hairball of a dog.

Huskys dont belong indoors. Of course the family didnt consider that before getting it. It has been known to raid the trash, hampers for soiled womens panties, AND anything else she can either for food, or spite if she was left alone for longer than 10 minutes.

I want to turn her into jerky for hungry migrating eskimos.....

So Im sick, I have to play maid, and I cant see right.....

ok, who wants to pamper me?

Im going to go out on a limb and say nobody....

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