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Jane Doe183 - 05/01/2012

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6:17 p.m. - 2004-10-25

You mock My words......

It is impolite to tease the ugly one with the gun. He gets cranky......

People at work are calling me "cupcake" now. All because I called him sunshine once. ONCE! Well, he is taller than me, and one of the more depressing, sarcastic older men there. He "beams" from the pores with sunshine....


Diet is nonexcistant for now. Im living off poptarts. ($2.35 a box fucking 12 poptarts man!) Cheap, hold off hunger and easy to eat with a truck bouncing around. Of course this is not good and I will have to make new gains in dieting as the winter unfolds. I will not be going back to old habits, or pants because of this. In fact Im pissed. But for the now the poptarts win. They mock my pain.....

I actually drank 2 cups of coffee today. Third day in a row I even put coffee in My body. The hottness of it, and the caffiene were the only motivation for doing so. Its fucking cold and My fingers are cold. I hope its not a trend, and I dont want to be one of the millions of cranky morning people out there. I dont need coffee to function....I dont need coffee to function. And I dont care how many "sugars" I put in, stop calling me "sweet enough" and if you dont like My "chocolate raspberry creme" flavored coffee......

Blow Me.....

Least you would be contributing then.

Im killing time till the Simpsons are on. I work, come home, watch Simpsons......and thats it. I have no life. I need excitement. I need lovin.......and a backrub. The booty is negotiable. Im willing to make a trade.

Send all offers postpaid with protein bars to the
"Ghost needs sex and food" fund.

I forgot the backrubs.......

Im always forgetting something.

And yes.....I am the guilty party.......I bought the surprize. Sue Me.....or blow Me....either way.....I have nothing to lose. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

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