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5:07 p.m. - 2004-05-18


Is it fair that I feel restless, needy, and incomplete.

Why I sit alone in a room with nothing to do or say, no one to reach for or talk to.

Let the vagueness of the truth raise questions in your mind as to why this has to be. Why some like Me need to be the ones who sit alone in a room.

People ask how Im doing. I lie to them.

Right to their face sometimes. They dont need to know the truth. I bear these burdens alone, and without pity. I only want help when I ask for it. Call it foolish pride, but Im needy, but dont know where to turn to make the hurt stop. Pride is and can be a dangerous thing. Motive for evil things, or reason enough to make poor judgement on personal matters out of embarrassment. Its what has kept me from a Dr in all this time. It needs to stop.

From Me, wisdom comes from short choppy sometimes incoherent sentences. But I'd hope that the messeage regardless of its delivery somehow makes it to your brains.

Im going to go lick My .45 now.....

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