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Jane Doe183 - 05/01/2012

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6:32 p.m. - 2004-03-08

"your one of a kind Patrick, dont ever change"

That better be a compliment, knowing Me, or I will snap your spine....


still dont take compliments well, as I often think they are sarcastic...or simply meant in humor. Im aloowed to be wrong, right? No spine snapping till I know for sure though......its only good manners.

Work was funny today. I was extra silly for some reason and damn near had everyone rolling on the ground. Customers would piss Me off, I wouldnt break stride once and report things to management, describing in detail the events and mentioning I havent killed them yet, would you like to speak to them first? Smooth flow and transition. Its all about timing....

*two thumbs up and a chesire cat grin for luck in Camden*

Dont forget the prize, remember the prize...all happy meals get em.....

Im actually surprized.....there have been some welcome, yet rare glimpses of good news today. And more than one. Not solve the misery of the world good, but make the gay go smoother good. And thats enough for me to talk about it and take notice. It was series of small, non sequential surprizes which made me smile. Im not used to smiling with good news so yeah, its a shock. This will be chalked up as a not so sucky day and I will take that.

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