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2:42 p.m. - 2004-02-07

Im bored...

I worked 6 days straight, then they gave Me two days off in a row. This being the second. I have been sleeping in late, and relaxing at home. There is a chance I can make some pocket money by doing someone at work a favor and building yet another adult sized erector set called a home gym. It isnt like I have anything else to do. Or anyone for that matter....har-de-har-har.....ok seriously tho....

Its been said you have to take life by the balls.....but they never mention the fucker is wearing a cup.

Ive been lagging behind on My book reviews. I just seem to find things on TV, or online more interesting than the crap which was written in the books. Perhaps they shine for reference purposes, but as bathroom reading they "suck hardcore" as someone dear to Me used to say. One doesnt delve into the methods and practices of Satanism whilst shitting on the porcelain god........or is that how its supposed to be done? Hell if I know I just live here....

Mailed awaw for the shoulder rig, so thats done. Paid bills somewhat on time.....isnt My fault places are closed on fucking Sunday, like they actually go to church and shit. They are looking for porn like the rest of us........

I ate My brunch, a Italian hero. breakfast of champions I say....and turned on Star Trek TNG. Shaddap.

Dont like it fuck off.

Im in My sensitive cuddly mood cant ya tell?

I took a online personality quiz the other day. 30 questions which were scientifically garunteed to show what type of man I was. Shocked I was to see it indeed saw Me as I can be at times. I dont see any test as foolproof. The human element makes us too complex to pick out so easily. But it can show many triats we do possess. It catogorized Me as a "social philosopher".

(from the test)

GhostOfGor has an Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiver (ENFP) personality commonly referred to as �The Social Philosopher� .

ENFP General

You believe life is abundant, love is plentiful, and creativity is always within your grasp. If God combined the bouncing energy of a cocker spaniel with the enthusiasm of a couple on their honeymoon, God would still be only halfway to duplicating your insatiable zest for life.

ENFP when in love

�Puppy love� is a good term for describing your take on romance: fun, frisky, playful, cuddly, and young at heart. No matter what your age or how many times your heart has been broken, you are an eternal optimist when it comes to love. You are not someone who proceeds cautiously when you meet someone you find attractive. You are likely to fall passionately in love-or at least lust- quickly, spontaneously, and with total abandon. Holding something back for later is a concept you can�t quite grasp, especially when it comes to the joy of creating a new and exciting relationship. Yes, COMMITMENT can scare you. That one word may explain why you are still single at thirty, forty, fifty, or beyond. But you love, absolutely love, the concept of intimacy, sharing, and relationships. If only you could find that special one, you would be set for life.

ENFP where to meet

Where can you meet a Social Philosopher? Social Philosophers enjoy stimulating conversation and interesting people, and, like the Idealistic Philosopher and Mystic Writer, favor activities that revolve around psychology, philosophy, the arts, and helping others. Unlike Idealistic Philosophers and Mystic Writers, Social Philosophers seize every opportunity for social contact. They love the spotlight and are known to be excellent teachers and public speakers. Social Philosophers also routinely attend art gallery openings, wine tastings, fund-raisers, concerts, lectures, and plays. They may also be members of The Single Gourmet-a dining club for singles with sophisticated tastes.


I dont go anywhere. Sophisticated? I eat soup from the can. Spoon optional of course. But alot of what was said does make sense to Me. It explained some quirks I have. But sophisticated I dont think I am.

My fuzzy slippers should be proof of that.....

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