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8:21 p.m. - 2003-10-19


Work was work. It rained alot today, almost thunderstorms, with some rumbling in the distance, and I thought of that last day, with the rain and what it did.

It hypnotized us to a calm, relaxed stupor and we slept. But I never forgot the door, always looking to see, what might be outside. The same day life became more complex.

I brought My letters to work, to read them over and over. The highlight of My day. They made Me feel better, knowing they were for Me, and spoke truth. Who would think words on a page would mean so much, but they did, today. Hand written, rambling, and full of spirit of the one who wrote them. I could feel her again, reading those things, knowing what she felt like just then when she wrote them, away from prying eyes.

I want to call, but I dont want to risk her being caught. I need to hear her voice again, and Im sure she too, wants to hear Me again. To go from total immersion then to nothing, is hard.

I dont know, My mind is a jumble right now, but during the day its filled with vivid thoughts, and things worth writing, the trouble is Im usually driving, working or unable to write them down. Dammit.

I just need My little girl with Me....

Because I miss her....the closeness....

Im counting the days....

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