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10:47 p.m. - 2003-05-29

An entry to garuntee My place in hell.

Ok, your Joseph and your new bride is pregnant. Do you lose your cool, or believe the story of the immaculate conception jargon. personally I think Mary was hiding a dirty little secret, and I dont mean she did anal.

Next, your little baby Jesus. Do you know your supposed to be the son of God? Do you take advantage? Who knows. Ok, prebubecent Jesus. Ever wonder if he got morning wood, or wet dreams? Did he try on mommies toga? Did your friends ever make him go cow tipping, or drinking for fun? Did he "yank it"? Going through life without "cleaning" your meat stick is unheard of. Even for the son of God. It is after all a penis. Does a teenager Jesus choose study, over that cute little girl by the marketplace? Hmmm...

Here we go, full grown Jesus.....Still a virgin. Or so the story goes. The road to hell has been said to be paved with good intentions. A noble effort, to die for the sins of man.....but even with that effort, men have killed for something they consider scared, ideal, and holy. To hell with thou shalt not kill. Or any other religion who says violence is wrong. They were all smoking goat shit from the same pipe.

And who were his followers? So willing to give thier own versions of the same stories. Seemingly imperfect men, chosen to write the word of the ultimate authority in the universe. We are all created in his image, yet the devil looks like a goat, what gives.....yay for man, fuck the animals...?

So taking this into consideration, you want Me to follow a blind religion, and go on without ever questioning the logic or relevance of things which took place thousands of years ago? But where does religion and the modern world tie in? Thou shalt not send a text message on the sabbeth? Frankly Im getting sick to My stomach with all those who preach, and sell thier faith to others. Should we follow blindly, or chose to do so out of need.....or faith in something greater than ourselves. Dont tell me God is a compassionate, forgiving soul, yet say if I dont believe, I will go to hell. Fuck you and your judgements. Keep your scripture to yourself, and quit with the ego trip already. Sheesh.

I could go on and on and on about this stuff, but Im sure Im not the only one to see the futility in this. if Im going to hell, it will be on My terms, not something someone created in thier minds out of need. Now.....where the girls at.....

PS: I know that Im going to piss people off, but why hide how I feel. At least I know who I am without guidance from a book.

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