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7:05 a.m. - 2003-05-24

Some fuckers need to be skull fucked until the head trauma kills them.

To say the night has been interesting, is an understatement. I like getting random IM messages. I like meeting people. When it happens to be people who secretly know Me, its alot diffrent. yes I feel like Im out of place.....but it usually ends up being a wonderful experience. We shaqre some things, we talk......I act like a perv...they laugh.....so far no one has sought a restraining order.

But the more I speak to people, the more I realize Im not as bad a person as I thought. There are some real shitheads out there. Dammit. Some things, should be sacred. But they are not. And it pisses me off. I wont deny I have had rape fantasies.....but it was a planned consentual encounter. If you cant control your dick, cut the fucker off.

Was looking for some nice "art" to look at .... then some was sent to Me...I love the internet. I can be a pervert while enjoying the comfort of My own home.

I want to go to the club tonite......its like THE biggest night of the season, but Im having second thoughts. Some people there, might not like me as I once thought. And there may be some awkwardness if I go. I dunno. Maybe I can watch half naked girls grinding on one another......then jerk it as i drive home. Decisions decisions.....

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