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2:52 p.m. - 2003-04-30

Well, I went to visit mom in the hospital....she was asleep when I walked in, I rubbed her knee to wake her. She seemed in decent spirits, that made me feel somewhat better. They might keep her a few days, and be on her way home . I hope they find out what was wrong, she was in truama for 8 hrs so they could stableize her. I hope, I hope, I hope......

I was watching more TV (something I shouldnt do so much, cuz it gives me a twisted impression of what some call reality) soap operas, a favorite of moms all over, are a case in point. Rich people whining why someone is sleeping with someone else. How will they pay for thier condo. *rolls His eyes right out of the skull* I see the sickly sweet life they live and remember how desolate Mine was growing up. Being homeless since you were 5 until you graduate and join the military, leaves a lasting impression. Take nothing for granted, and be thankful for all that you have. Perhaps we all need a little humility in life......we might stop fighting over little things ........perhaps....


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