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10:42 p.m. - 2007-06-21

Fuck, where do I even begin to scream....

I checked my bank statement online tonight, sometime after 10pm. Then the veins in my head and neck began to pop out.

I was NEGATIVE.....


Fucking negative!!!!!!!

I didnt buy anything remotely close to that ever!


As if my life hasnt been complete shit the last month, that I needed to see this shit. No explanation online, operators are not standing by.

WHat possible answers have been floating in my head.......????

A mistake made by someone in the bank.

Someone stole my financial info.

Some sort of a legal judgement.(which makes no sense because you cant take what isnt there.)

Im flabbergasted, pissed off, fuming, and close to murder, or worse yet...we wont go there.

Im soo depressed right now. I cant take this shit right now. So much going on, none of it positive and it keeps getting worse. Whats next? I mean, what the fuck am I going to do now....Im "broke".... payday is over a week away and I have direct deposit anyway. Yeah I can cancel that, but I have ZERO money to get gas, food and anything else.

And people fucking wonder why Im such a pessimist.

I need saving. But Im already drowning.

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