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9:10 p.m. - 2006-03-08

I chew on ideas like people chew gum.

Sometimes something might pass before me which requires more than simply a few seconds thought. Which usually means I fall silent, with a strange look on My face. (this means I didnt hang up) But I was taken back a little, and unable to respond to what My ears heard. You see I see beyond the words. Sometimes in a reaction ther5e are several parts to it. Either a physical act or a jumble of words possibly not completely thought out before being spoken. But sometimes the action, and the words dont always coincide and this is a misunderstanding. Defensively speaking out "before" fully understanding that things I might say are always blown out of proportion as to give away they arent to be taken seriously. So do I just lash out or do I stop, think and then act on what I have a full understanding of. But unfortunately the phone was hung up, not by me.

I was seriously dissapointed in some cd's I bought the other day. Replacements for ones I have simply worn out by using them for many years. Instead of just having the origional recording for sale, they had "remixes" of the old discs. What could be diffrent, maybe some more equalization, some clearer lyrics. No. The entire collection of discs were completely changed. New backup vocals on songs, major tone changes. They lost the strength they had and I felt cheated. Goes to prove sometimes the origional is still the best.

I invented some more "toys". Of course the details of what they are should remain secret but I could market them for adults and maybe make some change.

I think Im getting sick. Telltale tickle in the throat. runny nose, chills and sneezing. Fucking germs.

A girl at a store asked me a question this morning. The question is a typical one, but the answer confused her. She asked why my company didnt let us carry pepperspray, tazers, batons etc. Simply put they are a liability.

It is our legal system which makes us train the way we do. When faced with a attacker, we have few options. Flee if possible. If escape isnt feasable counter force with greater force than is reasonably needed to stop the agressor. One person with clenched fists can be avoided. Five men with the same clenched fists justify the use of deadly force. That is the law. I could easily be overpowered by multiple adversaries and My sidearm taken from me to either be used against me, or others. This is why the law is clear on the use of force. And My personal facet of the law is the 21 foot rule. (which was actually extended a few feet recently but the dtails are fuzzy) It is the distance in which an attacker can close the distance to engage you in the same amount of time you have to react to the attack. Someone has a knife and makes a lunge towards you. In just over a second they can close this distance and stick you with the knife. This is the same time it takes to draw a duty weapon from its holster. So a knife justifys deadly force as well. Or a bat, or any other weapon which can cause severe bodily injury, or death.

Using a tazer on someone and they sue you for paralysis. Pepperspray and you "blind them". At least thats what they will say to a jury. If force is justified, then thats what I will use. Period, end of lesson.

Interesting how diffrent perspectives can shine light on something we took for granted. How reality proves the concepts we thought were true to be wrong. We just need to have the humility to listen to the truth, and we will be better for it.

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