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9:54 p.m. - 2006-02-04

My fucking wrist hurts. And My right ring finger has a chunk of flesh missing from it. My migraine is the least of My problems.

Yesterday a truck door decided to try and take My finger off. A bolt near the catch bar came close enough when the door was open to pinch My finger in such a way that if I didnt break free I might not have a finger. But it did take a flesh sacrifice, and I had to peel it off the bolt. Yes there will be a big fucking scar.

Driving home today, after another crappy day I hit yet another pothole. They seek out the more expensive tires, with the large rims. Somehow they just know which cars to fuck up. I knew I hit it hard, and I somehow felt the steering control shift as I got closer to home. Eventually as I passed over a rail road crossing I heard the rim hit the rail as I passed over. Pulling over I tried first to fill the tire with air. Twenty minutes later the tire was still flat. But the odd thing was I couldnt tell where the leak or hole was. In the rain, I changed the tire with the full size spare I carry in the back seat. As the doughnut is rust/welded to the bottom of the truck space. Still no visible hole found but Im sure it might be the stem itself which is damaged. Such is My luck.

Another arguement for me having a hummer.

My mom was moved out of the CICU today, and put in a normal room in the cardiac floor. She was able to sit in a chair and eat normal meals. She requested Welchs grape soda. She is a tough woman. And I hope she makes a smooth recovery. We all miss her.

Changing the tire made me twist and reinjure My wrist. Its currently in agony, and Im pissed over it. I had to put the support brace back on, and start taking pain meds again. I went a month without both.

There is both good and bad going on. Not for lack of trying sometimes I just cant get ahead.

It isnt enough to try 110% in reaching a goal. Especially if you burn yourself out in that all out attempt at your chosen direction. Sometimes I have learned it is best to slow down, but maintain that forward momentum. A 50% pace will still get you to the finish line, but with more of your faculties. At least you didnt quit. That is the most important.

Slow and steady wins the race they say.

The muslim world is up in arms over a cartoon that a Denmark newspaper printed this past wednesday. Apparently they portrayed the prophet mohammed in a not so good way. Actually I beleive it is forbidden to draw a religious figure to muslims. In any case they cry out for vengeance saying behead the Danish. Blow up Denmark its been said. And they put alot of emphasis on how peaceful they are, and despize violence. But the first reaction is to kill, and destroy. Who else is confused?

The muslim world takes itself too seriously. Actually the big three....Islam, Judiasm, Christianity all take themselves too seriously. Muslims and christians was reason for the crusades. And the Jews hate everyone. But they wont admit it. I wont mention the religions who have a even more twisted view of reality. But religion is going to kill humanity.

Did I mention Im in pain?

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