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9:48 p.m. - 2005-09-26

Have you ever....

Seen a name appear on your cantacts list, but were afraid to say anything to them?

Tried to kill yourself for what you thought were good reasons?

Made a fool of yourself after finding out what you were thinking, was the farthest thing from the truth?

Found out that what you were dreading all along, was indeed true, and you tried to be optimistic about it...

Life is truely full of irony. There is no fool proof way of discovering the truth before it evaporates before your eyes. Unless you cheat. Where experience doesnt really prepare you for every roadblock you face. Even though I have tried to maintain a level mind, My emotions always have to get involved and screw things up. I cant speak. Im afraid to think logically. Where the truth is too painful to visualize.

It doesnt mean I refuse to face the turth, or the circumstances of things I have yet to see the outcomes of. I still maintain My hope. My dreams. But with a reserved calm. Preparing for failure, or rejoicing. Of course I hope for the latter.

Its funny in a way....

How often I end up in a fork in the road. No choice but to venture down one of the paths. One in My dreams, the other based in fact and reality. How I wished those paths were the same.

Im fighting a cold.

It sucks.

But at least I have clean socks.

Might help if My feet were clean too......

Not that they arent but it sounded silly.

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