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3:19 p.m. - 2005-05-13

My fucking wrist is killing me. Again.

Almost certain its a retorn ligament due to some research I did on the symptoms of the pain. (swelling, popping sounds, etc) I was taking care of it for a while but this job makes it hard to let things heal properly. I am lifting coin myself. Boxes of quarters are around 25lbs each. Bags of quaters top over 50lbs. 75 bags of quarters takes its toll. Im taking way too much medication. Mixing pills in a sort of coctail of colored beans. Most doses exceed 1800mgs total. That cant be a good thing.

Not a peep from "you".

Seems My heartfelt email, and entry had zero effect. You dont care.

How does one stop from feeling vulnerable as parts of themselves fall apart. My body is noticably breaking down. Age is more than catching up, it has lapped me already.

Someone close to me, is very sick. Unable to keep fluids or food down, medicine is out of the question. Fighting high fever over 103 they run the risk of brain damage if it gets too high and they flat out refuse the thought of an IV. They would rather die. Also insistant that they are allergic to any form of antibiotics they wont go to a doctor. A strep infection can kill. I am worried about this person. They wont listen to reason, nor will they try to help themselves. Argument is pointless.

There is only one thing Im looking forward to lately, and thats the Revenge of the Sith movie for Star Wars. Not that Im a rabid fan....but I enjoy movies for the distraction they provide. Its a outlet I look forward to.

Everything else is too fantasitic a dream to realize right now. Im still stuck living day by day, week by week.

I have realized another interesting fact about my interaction with other people. They dont like it when I bash Myself, even jokingly.

On a side note, the new H3 Hummer kicks ass.

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