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Jane Doe183 - 05/01/2012

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1:00 a.m. - 2004-03-31

Someone sever My head from My body quick......uuuuuughhh...

Yesterday and today was a blur. I did go to work, optimistic which doesnt happen often. I fought with the idea of letting on to My aging crisis and thought that I wont be there forever, so sharing at least that much would be a good thing. So I instead told everyone, and it was mentioned I should go to a bar a co worker is a bartender at.

Oh yeah.....cant you feel the upcoming fun?

So I felt somewhat giddy, Ive never celebrated a bday like this before so the newness of it intrigued Me. And the taunts of getting Me trashed. Hmmmm, Im not a big drinker anymore. During My service in the military I would drink socially and being in such a group that meant nearly every day. Hangovers, and vomiting were normal occurances. It was even encouraged by fellow Marines. When you are passed out drunk, and a Corpsman wakes your roomate up and nurses him awake with a fresh beer, your not in kansas anymore.

So I had made plans to take My parents and charlie out to dinner, My treat. Something I usually cant afford. Pigged out at a all you can eat chinese buffet, and boy I did eat. With the upcoming binge appraoching food was to help Me from becoming sick.

*close curtain, open act II*

Scene: makey's

Time: 9:30pm (ish)

Wating in the bar was two co workers. One of which I had teased to bring her new boyfriend along.

"bring your pet monkey" I said to her.....

He is known to be a dickhead and people wanted me to meet him because the ensuing cherade would have been things pay-per-view was made for. But alas I was denied My visit, so I settled in for a quiet evening of drinking. But it wasnt all quiet.

The bar is small, especially compared to the usual places I go. I might have been the oldest patron there, as it looked like a local college dive. But it was clean and preppy. The juke box had the worst selection of crap Ive ever heard. Diners have a better selection. Im not kidding. And lets not forget the old "deer hunter" videogame. And a dart board in the corner. Oh yeah, drunk 20somethings with darts.

(note to self wear body armor and safty goggles)

A few $1 beers in I met the manager of the place. Having been introduced by a co worker as a "dont take shit" kind of guy and My previous exploits as a bouncer in rather large clubs he himself went to, he asked Me to show up Thursday for a interview. Looks like the Ghost will be bouncing again, Friday nights.....

A large black clad doorman, with a chip on both shoulders.

"Welcome to Mackey's... Im the house nightmare, ID please?"


The night progressed, handcuffs passed around and I was asked several times to handcuff clientele. One quipped "why do you carry them around?"

"dont you?"

I love My work.....really...

By the end of the night I had consumed 5 shots of Wild turkey, 1 shot of SoCo, 4 beers, and 5 mixed drinks of My own making. Properly named "Ghost" and it kicks your head in, and you cant taste the alcohol. 3 shots of alcohol when properly mixed. Ladies and gents......I was driven home early in the am. But once inside the house I found a bowl from the kitchen, and puked the entire nights contents in a tupperware bowl not used to such holdings. Yeah, I had a little too much, too soon. Three hours isnt enough to digest all that drink. And I havent hurled like that in some years.

All day today was spent in bed, drunk/hungover and puking even up until 11pm. Cant keep food down, water, juice nothing. I need to be awake by 5am to drive to Newark for some fitness confernece, and Im still hungover.

Shoot Me....

But I might have more work, and I spanked 19 year old college girls who were cuffed and bent over the bar for being "bad girls".

Did I mention I love My work?

oooowwww.....My head....

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