
Hadassah - 2007-07-29 18:11:15
Ghost, sounds like you've had a real rough go of it lately. Sorry to hear that, guy. I'm pulling for you. Keep your chin up.
maria - 2007-07-29 18:25:32
hugs. Sweetie I am so sorry to hear that this illness/disorder is making you so sick. I will say that any woman worthy of you will not give a flying fig newton about a lump in your chest or over it. She will see what a wonderful guy you are and the "lump" will not even matter to her, she just won't see it. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better, if you ever need anything you can email me, n I will do what I can to help. Take things one day at a time, rest when you need to, take your vitamens and such , eat well, do everything the doctor tells you. And remember that you have friends n family that love you and will hold your hand through this as much as you want them to. lots of hugs, love n healing energies to you dear ghost.
beth - 2007-07-30 17:49:49
break a leg darling, heh not really, just dont want to jinx you!
officehours - 2007-07-31 21:33:30
I wish you luck and love and a squirrel army of your very own.

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