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7:29 p.m. - 2007-07-28

As with others, life has been pretty shit lately. Im sorry for not updating sooner. I wasnt ignoring anyone. Not even texts about squirrels plotting.

The doctors told me they want to implant a "port" in my chest to administer my weekly infusions. It will go under the skin, over my left pectoral. I am not liking this, but its either get it done or have my veins shrivel up from all the abuse.

The University of Florida wanted more blood from me, and sent 4 empty tubes to my doctor for further dna/genetic testing.

As of now my AAT rating (plasma levels of antitrypsin) is a PiZZ. Which is the worst case scenario for the disorder. ZZ means I have between 11-46 parts per million in my blood of the missing protein. My measurement was around 19.

I went to see the Simpsons movie yesterday after my appointment.

"300" comes out on Tuesday for DVD.

I was at my partners house this evening as he wanted to show me around his yard. I was shoveling blackberries right from the vines into my mouth as he laughed and said they didnt know if they were edible or not. My payment was the hundreds of throns I stuck in my hands getting to the berries. I felt like homer.

I picked up some suppliments too for my liver, and some vitamins. Specifically a highly concentrated form of B-12.

I worry no one will like seeing a man with a lump over his chest. Just one more strike to be held against me in ever getting a significant other. And the high maintenance lifestyle I will be forced to lead from now on. Masks, food, care and medical needs. Im sure supplimental O2 will be in my future too.

My treatment days will be every tuesday at 1pm, now until forever. It will take 90 minutes of time to administer 8000ML of plasma in the same room as chemo patients. My doctor has to train his entire staff on how to treat me. I feel special, and like a burden all at the same time.

Still taking it a day at a time. Its the best thing to do at the moment as I dont know what to do with myself, with all the negativity floating about me. Doctor telling me I will never be able to do this, or that. I dont like being told I cant do something. It goes against everything I believe in. I fought so hard for what I have that just letting it slip away fronm my hands is something Ive yet to accept as truth.

Wish me luck....

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