
hadassah - 2007-03-13 14:21:00
Your life is no waste, I can't tell you how many times you have made a difference in my life just by being you. Hang on brother. Your in my thoughts. Hadassah
beth - 2007-03-14 11:13:11
Not a waste ghost, never a waste, think of luci! and her son! You have helped me by just writting entries, by just being yourself, I know it seems slim compared to your dreams (I feel the same many days), but with this diary you have helped many people, you've made me laugh on days when I really needed it, and I know there are more people like me. I think of you often and wish you would write more, one thing that made you smile in the day and write about that.. it doesnt have to be big.. just a simple thing.

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