
maria - 2006-12-28 14:59:04
Hugs. I wish I could give you a better sense of self esteem. You seem to be a terrific guy, and from what pics you've posted on here pretty damned cute! Be as good to yourself as you are to others, you deserve it. Hope you have a great new year's!
Officey - 2006-12-28 20:35:16
You're not alone when you have legions.
Hadassah - 2006-12-28 21:33:54
Ghost, Somedays I'm convinced we're soul mates. I totally get you. xo
Kass - 2006-12-30 12:18:35
I luff you Ghost. :> I hope your New Year's Eve is better than you have assumed. You deserve a nice night. I agree with you about your year though, many good things have happened, and so have a few bad things. Next year will be better. You've been doing some great things for yourself this year and they will just keep getting better. And, we're German... so things are always good. :> *gives you a hug* Kass
berkinix - 2006-12-30 15:01:39
There were times I wished I was normal. Y'know, average lookin', average thinkin'... then maybe I'd get accepted more, have some of the nice, fun socializing that homo sapiens enjoy so much. And then I met you, and none of that shit mattered anymore. You're a lot like me, Ghost, and through reading your entries over the years, I've realized I'm not alone. You mean a whole lot more to me than you realize, and I just want you to know that if we ever met in person, I'd never think you strange or frightening. That nostalgic feeling for acceptance from the opposite sex might never fully go away for either of us, but you make things easier to bear for me, as I'm sure you do for the rest of your legions. There's a reason you have 'em, after all. Just know that I love ya, bro', and I will this new year as well. (And the next and the next.) Te quiero mucho, cabr�n.

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