
Officehours - 2006-07-21 16:13:18
Aiden is beautiful and your tie is really nice too. :}
mia - 2006-07-21 17:42:20
aiden is beautiful, and you look very handsome dressed up. =)
Tara - 2006-07-21 23:27:34
You strike quite the pose, Ghost, w/Aiden in your arms. The word adorable comes to mind... yea, the tie was def pimpin'. But you rocked it, you handsome brute. ;) Take care. (((HUGS))) T.
Haylz - 2006-07-23 11:05:31
congratulations on the 100%! Way to go! You're so much more alive when you smile, perhaps you should try it a little more often! <3
Sybil - 2006-07-25 20:07:44
How long have I been gone? You're in class and I get treated to pictures too! Can't wait to catch up! Glad youre in school and doing 100% fantastic!
Kass - 2006-07-26 17:48:34
Awesome on the score. And I agree with Haylz, you should smile more often. It looks good on you.

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