
Officehours - 2006-07-13 17:00:55
I would hug you but I'm afraid my arms won't reach and electronic hugs just aren't the same.

If you should decide on California, give me a buzz. I'll buy you a beer...or maybe one of those vitamin shakes you love so much.

non-fuckabl - 2006-07-13 17:27:57
Maybe you are the victim of every situation though. Probably people just push you out of conversations with no right at all. You needto confront them and not wonder what�s wrong with YOU, cause nothing is.
mia - 2006-07-14 17:40:41
U know, I love hugging ppl. =) anyways, I never felt as though I fit in until I went to NA. In there we all have a common bond, we are all addicts. You have a common bond with others, in that you are a human being. Sometimes apprences are deciving. Those ppl may not be as happy as they appear. The world needs ppl that do not fit into neat little boxes. Othewise, we would not have electricty, computers, phones, cars, refrigeration, and a million other things we take for granted. Be true to yourself ghost. I'll be happy to hug you anytime. blessings mia
berkinix - 2006-07-17 11:00:02
Hey, chin up. I was always the outcast in highschool. I swear, even the nerds and goth freaks avoided me. But see, I turned out moderatly sane! *twitch* In all seriousness, though, don't let shit like that get to you. Hell, I think people are annoying all the time! Sometimes, it really IS the people, not you. Definately not you. Bro', you're one of the coolest people I've ever met, cybernet or otherwise. I know that might not mean a lot to you, coming from someone you've never even met, but there it is, all the same.
aliannmil - 2006-07-20 12:59:07
I'm sure folks would be more receptive if you were a bit more outgoing but these are two suggestions 1) Folks get to feeling like they are being set up when you ask questions you already know the answer to. You look like you are either trying to make them look stupid or make yourself look smart. It goes over better if you lead them where you want them to go with subtle nudges. You won't come across as the smart guy. The "happy" people have as many insecurities as you do and from the sound of it you make people feel insecure, thus they avoid you. Second, stop caring if people like you. This may sound like a contradiction but it's not. Share yourself without concern as to whether people like you. Kindness towards their insecurities coupled with genuine lack of concern for their approval will make you an attractive person to know. Everyone wants what you want and everybody's life sucks in it's own special way. When you see that reality your world will change dramatically. Feel free of course to take these suggestions or leave them. You sound like a nice person and I was drawn to try and help. Whatever you do, be true to yourself. You are the only person you will go to bed with and wake up with for the rest of your life. Take care of you. I wish you Peace ~ alison

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