
Pfirsich - 2006-05-31 17:18:43
Uhm,of course I am interested in you! Just tell me something!
Officehours - 2006-05-31 19:30:10
If you supply the tale, your legions will supply the ears.
nicole - 2006-06-01 08:45:14
I'm so glad you are going to see a doctor. Nothing is worse than not knowing and always wondering when the other shoe will drop. Good job. :)
theicing - 2006-06-02 11:22:25
buttsex is itchy
mia - 2006-06-03 12:53:03
awe ghost you know your legions want to hear all the details that you are willing to share =). Im not a good swimmer either, and as far as jumping in goes forget it!!! I have done it and dont do it now cuz I dont like it, I had to take lessons for about a year and I still can't do that damned breathing thing, so I swim with my face out of the water. I cant swim far either cuz I get winded, so you already got me beat by being able to go under water!!! good luck with school n keep us posted.. hugs n love mia
Berk - 2006-06-04 16:16:12
When you love what you do, all the shit you go through is worth it. And carring a car around on your head is no simple feat. Not just anyone can do that, my friend, so be proud... and... stuff.

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