
Pfirsich - 2006-05-04 17:33:39
If you�re the butt of a joke,I will be your pants,ok??
Kass - 2006-05-04 18:16:17
Missed you, hope things get better. Would be horrible if you went through so much work to get there and everyone there is just a bunch of asses. *hugs* Hope you do amazing in your classes. Good luck, Ghost.
Officehours - 2006-05-05 12:19:50
You're there.
This is the start of something new. Something big.
mia - 2006-05-08 13:19:20
keep your chin up ghost.. I hope that you do well in school.. much love n many hugs
Paula - 2006-05-08 23:32:27
Dude, I think they just hate you because you're probably doing better than they are. Envious bastards, the lot of them. XD Well, at least you have gloating rights if nothing else, eh? Hope things get better, dude. n_n

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