
mia - 2006-04-28 19:37:34
hugs, I completly understand how you feel. And I will say this.. from the little I know about you.. ( from reading this blog) you seem like a great guy, not only sexy ( judging from your pics) but you have a warm and caring heart. You are honest, and loyal to those you care for.. and any girl would be lucky to have you =)
berk - 2006-04-29 04:09:13
I'd break his ass in more than just a half. But bastards like that ain't worth it. About Miss Krystal... I wish I could've spared you the bitter dissapointment and/or betrayal you're feeling right now. I've been through shit like that before, and you're one of the last people I would've wished that emotion upon. Mia's right. You're really a great guy, bro', and from what I know of you, you don't deserve that, especially not from someone you care about so much. Gah, sorry. I'm just sorry you had to live this shit.
- - 2006-05-01 03:51:54
GET A LIFE. you are too angsty what is your purpose in life? ASK YOURSELF THAT if you have no purpose in life, DO SOME SOUL SEARCHING, it'll make you a happier person, i assure you.
mia - 2006-05-01 23:33:10
I stopped back by to check on my beloved freind ghost.. Ghost forgive me if I step out of line here I just consider you a friend, and feel the need to defend you.... but.. to rude ass comment leaver; YOU are the one that needs to do some soul searching!! Grow the fuck up!!! You have nothing better to do than to slam other people??? If you don't like what you read, read somone else's fucking blog!!! At least be man enough or woman enough to have the fucking balls to leave your name when you leave rude childish shit such as this! Sad thing is that its people like you that have no purpose in life. Grow up and get your head out of your own ass! It will make you a happier person I assure you. * remember do not piss off dragons, you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup!

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