
Kass - 2006-02-09 21:36:30
I believe as you do. I'm in a college class atm that is studying culture. And the ways you see things are very similar to Buddhism. You learn from mistakes, from pain, from suffering. But it ends there. There is nothing after that in which your faith follows, mine either. I join you in the frustration of creeds. May your mother get better soon, dear Ghost.
miss nicole - 2006-02-10 08:48:47
Ghost- I grew up the same way you did. Catholic school to boot... all girls Catholic school in high school. Uh huh, it's true what they say about us. You gotta expect that when you're that confined, you're going to push the boundaries. I stopped going to church after high school, and I'm not sure I'll ever go back. I've explored everything from Buddhism to witchcraft to shamanism to Taoism, and I've found that there are some universal truths that are simple to follow without worry of punishment. We punish ourselves. I know you know what I mean. From one Catholic to another-- and I'm Italian to boot-- there's no greater pain that the torment we lay on ourselves because we feel we're letting someone down. I'm my own worst enemy. I'm not so keen on some of the other entries you have with the blood and gore, but I definitely feel you on this one.
Pfirsich - 2006-02-10 10:17:28
What makes you be nice to people? You�re always so nice to people,you know,from the heart.Why do you do that,what is the motor for that? You don�t have to be nice. I thought religion was about being nice,you know. That�s what it tells me,and that�s also what *I* have a problem with,what I am disgusted with. I understand some things on the logical side,for example,the punishment thing,I see it like this:Like when you answer a question in a math test wrong,then your punishment is the bad grade,of course.And the same thing in life:you pick a partner you don�t like,for idle reasons for example,you know,someone to make you look good,but you don�t really like them-then your punishment is that you have to live with someone who you don�t like or who doesn�t like you and works against you,just by being there.You know,or when you have important wishes and do nothing to make them come true.I see the punishment in this logical content.OK,it doesn�t explain why children get fatal sicknesses and stuff....another thought it:ok,we�re here to learn,like:we start out on a low level(like life is a computer game,you know,is also applicable on reincarnation:you get born again,got another life,but you have to redo that current level! It�s like that,I think),so,we start out on a low level and then grow,get better with things.Same way as with technical inventions and stuff.I just see no emotional satisfaction in this view,you know,I mean:life is a gift,but,I don�t see that! Like,why do we have to start on a low level? That makes emotionally no sense,I mean,why couldn�t god make as be smart right away? What sense is there afterall?
Pfirsich - 2006-02-10 10:24:23
Why couldn�t god make US smart right away,that�s what that was supposed to say.---Well,ok,there�s nothing there for me,but,you are for me.Like,you are the only parcel that god,well,hm,I think I�ll rather believe in Santa anyway;you�re the only parcel Santa put into his sack for me,you know.That�s why I�m a little bit aggravated,you know,but you�re really...soothing.
mia - 2006-02-10 13:09:22
hugs, I find most " christians" to be hypocrits. I was raised baptist, but I never felt ok thinking that anyone that had hardships " had it coming to them" thats crap! Otherwise why would so called wonderful god fearing ppl get possesed? eesh... anyways, I became a pagan at 13 and have stayed that way. There is no heaven and hell for me, I don't belive in jesus or sin, I belive that when I die I will go on to another human body and have a diffrent life. I call christains " xtians" because of the fact that they want to x everyone out of society that is not just like them. That they want to silence those that dont belive what they belive . I wont get into my relgious rant here =) but thanks for the thought provoking. Hope mom is doing well and hugs to you . mia
Officehours - 2006-02-11 11:01:28
Sorry, Sir. I picked up an extra shift at the theater. But don't worry, I won't make you wait too long.


A priest is walking back to the church after a long hard day of helping the needy. On the way back to the church he sees a hooker. As he passes her she says, "Blowjob. 25 bucks."
He looks at her for a second then continues on.
A block later he sees another hooker and as he passes her she says, "Blowjob. 25 bucks."
He looks at her for a second then hurries on until he's safely in his church.
He has this confused look on his face, so a nun comes up to him and asks him what is wrong.
In whispered tones he asks the nun, "What's a blowjob?"
To which the nun replies, "25 bucks. Same as on the street!"

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