
Tara - 2006-01-27 03:34:12
Tangent away, Ghost... it's what keeps most of us from going insane. Totally understand where you're coming from, concerning your Dad. Seems like they do everything for us, and they usually end up getting the shaft, any ways. It fucking sucks. *sigh* I wish things were different for you and yours. For me too. But I guess we're fucked in the end, aren't we?? Bloody hell... I'm not helping. *sigh* I'd mail off my gnome to you, if it would make you smile. But think of the looks you'd get... well... then again... lol. Maybe a lil smile?? A slight lift of the lips?? *HUGS* Wish I could do more...
berkinix - 2006-01-27 03:50:05
Life would be so much simpler if we could all just run around stark naked and eat fruit offa trees... *sigh* Oh well. We can't all live in third world countries. Money sucks in that it governs us so much. I'd burn it all, but then I'd have to go around naked eating people's lawn vegetation.
Pfirsich - 2006-01-27 12:07:40
"Messier"-trying to turn me on,huh,oh,that�s working.

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