
Fi - 2005-12-15 11:05:07
Fingers crossed that it turns out to be something simple and curable for your bro
mia - 2005-12-15 11:43:39
I'll pray for your brother. I hope that there is nothing wrong that cannot be fixed. Its so nice to see you protect your brother. =) mia,
dwench - 2005-12-15 12:05:00
just pray. I will be. *love* keep your chin up, man.
berk - 2005-12-16 23:54:22
my love and thoughts with you always, ghost. really.
Kass - 2005-12-17 10:16:14
Ghost, you're a good guy. I hope the best for your brother, for his sake and yours. It is tough to go through life, and harder when you're not accepted. I respect you, because of how you stood up for your brother. I do the same, but then my brother stabs me in the back. Best of luck to you both. -Kass

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