
mia - 2005-11-08 18:19:17
ghost, wish i could give you hope and encouragement.. i loose mine quiet often too.. i laughed so hard at the blow my wienie joke, my sides hurt. I think you are sexy, and ive seen your pic, you need to have some weight, your so tall and built nice, =) and not all girls like toothpicks, i dont want to date any man that is skinner then i am =) keep smiling ghost, and making the world laugh.. hugs mia
Fi - 2005-11-08 18:53:35
Yes, chickens have souls (unless they are unfortunate enough to be born catholic chickens in which case they are doomed for all eternity) ps....I'd blow your weiner
foxgallagher - 2005-11-09 12:31:49
That's weird - I work in the local mall, and I went to work a few weeks ago and the weiner was sitting in the parking lot. Just like you, I'd wished I had my camera.

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