
Kassie - 2005-09-02 22:51:51
As always, I love your entries. I really like the way you see things, and I agree with pretty much everything... It would be nice if everyone saw things the way they are... Through the lies and the shit they spew. Thanks for keeping it real. Your faithful reader, Kass.
Paula - 2005-09-02 23:46:10
You're not going to get pins and needles from me....I completely agree with you. I am tired of the everything always being the President's fault and for people not taking up their own bed and walking. People are so ignorant and think that just because America is blessed, that we can defy the laws of nature and physics and that if we don't it is somehow the Governments fault. I saw that ignoramous standing next to Mike Meyers too. Always liked Mike Meyers but he looked like a freaking idiot standing next to that jackass nodding in agreement. I ache for people in trouble, but there are some who asked for it.
Nickki - 2005-09-03 00:12:31
I could be wrong but aren't alot of those people the ones who couldn't find a way out? Didn't have the money etc. Your right though, not all of the people are.
Slinky - 2005-09-03 12:32:46
Yeah,I also think it�s great that you give the whole picture. Didn�t have the money-well,they could have driven out with their cars and then styed on a campingplace,those are very cheap or a youth hostel or something. I mean,I don�t know if they would have gotten fired if they stayed away from work,but maybe they could have called in sick. Pointing fingers doesn�t change the situation anyway;people are just acting SLOW,that�s the way it is everywhere. I think the situation is being taken care of now,but,it takes always time. My thought is:If you feel empathy or not isn�t going to bring the dead people back. I believe in rebirth anyway,but I guess nothing wants to hear that right now. It is survival of the fittest,I think,cause,the smarter people,the more motivated people probably did leave. I mean,it doesn�t matter who you blame:the families who lost someone still lost someone,that guys aren�t there anymore. It doesn�t change anything who�s fault it is. The situation still stays the same! It doesn�t matter if you blame someone or not,the bill stays the same,the result is the same. The people who have lost family members now,well,all they can do is try and get over it-and,with that they can also seek help....but I also don�t see what you can do as an outside person;well,I don�t feel a calling. Sure,donate a little money,but,what more are you gonna do? If you "want to live their pain for them",you know,instead of them,I don�t think that�s possible. They have to cope with their losses-what can we do(even if we wanted to,and I�m saying cleary I DON�T,thanks),but even if some of are are a little bit more attached,what can you do? It�s just a shitty situation,I mean,what else can you do than walk through it-and that you can only do if you WANT to,if you got the will to survive and to pursue happiness. That�s just the thing;the people who are on their toes have left when they heard the warning. And those who don�t care anyway,are still there now. I see that often:people are in pain,but do NOTHING. For the future:I guess the people in that area will take a warning seriously next time,and I guess better ways to act in such a situation will be built. But who do you want to punish for such a situation? For a weather related incident? There is noone responsible,that is ridiculous,hilarious! You can�t punish anyone-and the situation would not change anyway. The list of losses would still be the same,only more wrong would be added.
Lindsey - 2005-09-03 19:39:35
hi, random reader. i agree with you. even the poor had a chance to leave, the state was going to help them. this whole ordeal has been one bad choice after another, government (local and fed) wise. half the looting, many deaths may have been prevented. and why does everything have to be a race issue? that irritates me the most. i think a big part of that is the media is only showing certain areas, so it gives people the perception that it's only one race that was affected. very untrue. i'm glad you're family is safe.
berkinix - 2005-09-03 22:53:58
It's because of all the shit you mentioned and more that I don't follow up on that story. It is shameful, and in order to save myself the aggravation, I just keep the TV off. (And now they're sending these folks to TEXAS... to my home state! Not that I don't wanna help; I just don't want any rioting bullshit here.)
joel (just happened to click the link) - 2005-09-04 02:44:08
Man, you nailed it on the head. I'm getting sick of this being a race issue. I'm getting sick of some people who haven't worked a day in their life demanding help. I saw a clip of some really crazy guy on CNN inciting the crowd in front of him to start chanting "WE WANT HELP! WE WANT HELP!" and he was running back and forth waving his arms and angrily pointing at the camera as if all of their problems were the rest of America's fault and we were guilty of high treason and murder if we didn't get help to them immediately. I heard on the radio that part of the reason some of them stayed was because they didn't want to miss their welfare check. Well, I hope they got their check and are satisfied that they did. That's one hell of a price to pay for a government handout.
For the record - 2005-09-04 10:36:36
I'm not an engineer but I suspect getting a toilet to work below sea level requires power of some sort.
CJ - 2005-09-04 23:16:57
Very interesting views, and I quite agree. Another point of interest came come in the fact there was even a study this summer of what would happen if I believe a level 3 storm hit and the levee failed. The computer simulation estimated over 100,00 people stranded. It's not always the president's job to have a disaster plan for every town that get hits by a storm- there just isnt enough time. And really there were supplies in LA 2 days before the storm hit. So like you said they need to grow up and get up off their asses and do something.
notadink - 2005-09-04 23:25:13
*clap*clap*clap* Couldn't agree more
Records... - 2005-09-05 04:47:12
Right, gravity only works above sea level. How do you manage to avoid suffocating on your tongue, "For the record"?
Ghost - 2005-09-05 06:03:57
I think the statement "gravity only works below sea level" makes you sound stupid...for the record. But if I must explain it scientifically, I will. First off gravity works wether you are below sea level or not. Every "potty" I usually see has a little basin behind it we all put decorative soap and shit on right? This colful device is filled by a pressurised water source provided by the town you live in. (unless you enjoy well water) Unless you live in a place where hand cranks are the norm.....your water is provided by the city or town. You know those nifty metal things we all call water towers? Usually they have the name of the place they are in. Yeah those. They are so big, and so high so GRAVITY can add pressure and momentum to the water being used from the source. So regardless if you are above, or below sea level you can flush your potty after taking a good healthy. You nimrod.
Have to Disagree - 2005-09-05 10:30:26
on the toilet issue because the pumps need electricity to push all the crap along the sewer system. If not it all backs up into your house *YUCK* We have been through this in our neighborhood after Francis and Jeanne. This year thecounty promised us a generator to keep the lines moving. I'm not counting on it......Everything else I agree with....

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