
kassie - 2005-08-08 00:25:00
King Zulu - 2005-08-08 07:43:10
I want to buy your heart.
King Zulu - 2005-08-08 07:48:47
I don�t have a birthday.
mia - 2005-08-08 14:33:58
wow! you are so damn great =) I mean that sincerly. See.. I try to explain what traits I want in a significant other.. but man ghost.. you did it better then I ever could =) I know men think that we want them to be sensitve to our every mood, but you know what? that is what my dad is for, making his little girl happy =P. I want balance in a relationship. I dont want someone to allow me to walk all over their heart, nor do I want some jerk who will walk all over mine.. I dont want to be bought and paid for, Show me you love me by your actions.. not by buying me shit. ( although flowers are nice on occasion. ) Im so cynical about " buying love" cuz my abusive ex hubby used to do that. Id get the sorry I hit you flowers etc.. if thats love then hate my ass... You are a wonderful guy ghost, any girl would be crazy not to want you as her man.. =) May we clone your brain? If every man thought the way you did, love would be so easy.. hugs.. have a good day.. mia

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