
King Zulu - 2005-08-05 10:54:05
The peeing thing was a little bit poetic.
Tara - 2005-08-05 16:43:18
First off... sorry to hear about the cult. I figured I had some sort of something going on myself, b/c I had ants (eek!) but I linked it to a bag of fucking candy R left in (of ALL places, and I don't know WHY he was even in there) my bloody closet. *sigh* Next, the peeing COULD be poetic if you REALLY had to go. 'Nuff said about that. Sitting butt naked and typing away @ the computer CAN ONLY be TRULY akward if you were looking @ porn. No porn? They it's just merely... well ok, it's akward no matter what, but hey... like I said, if there had been porn, it COULD have been worse. And lastly... consistancy rocks muchly, so hey... don't knock it, lol. See? I'm consistant too. I'm fuckng crazy. :)

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