
ebonylust - 2005-07-21 01:01:56
I can join you in the not getting laid ranks now. w00t! erm... I miss you =)
Tortura - 2005-07-21 07:39:59
Hey,rhino lumps need love,too! Funny,I personally think individuality is important. And is like what devides you from mob mentality. What devides you from running on instinct and past experience and what makes improval possible. Individualistic thinking. But you did have me crying at one part! In the middle,that thing with being surrounded by-oh,what was this again.
Tortura - 2005-07-21 07:43:09
Oh,"excess" was it. Hey,isn�t that cool how clear you can see now!!!! Isn�t that like huge progress!! I think that is so cool!! Huge progress in my book. You know,how you can actually have thoughts about yourself-and not just strangers thoughts,you know,that are flying through you. I mean,here you told stuff that is your own-and weren�t just bigging up mine-kind of thing,right? You agree? Isn�t that cool and interesting!!
Tortura - 2005-07-21 07:45:28
Oh,and don�t worry,I�m sure I can help you out with,you know,that place where you�re in agony. Like,I�m gonna defend you and be on your side,no problem.

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