
addie - 2005-06-15 21:05:53
before i read this, i'd like you to know you posted almost simultaneously as i.
addie - 2005-06-15 21:32:40
@_@ something in the stars, i tell you. are we not saying the same things in our last two entries? i dunno. yeah, i have to explain how i got from 'a' to 'x' frequently to my friends. on suicide: suicide is selfish. when you kill yourself, it's not all about ending you're own life. it's about fucking up others'. 'cause your weak stamina will have an enormous affect on the people who knew you you. usually reminding suicidals of that gets 'em off the edge, but sometimes they're far gone enough to forget thst anything else exists except for the pull of gravity and the vertigo that goes with the jump. but hey, there may be one of those inflatey kid playgrounds and they'll be saved. and then they'll sue the superhero.
Howdy - 2005-06-16 04:04:55
Yeah,I mean,on suicides:There is too many people anyway. The population rate has got to be controlled in some way! Haha,yeah,I just feel it�s DIRTY,cause,life is a gift. I also can�t believe that there is no part in you that wants to surivive,basically you are taking violence and force,to shut that voice in you down that still wants to live. I mean,some people also just terrorize their family with threatening it. Just want attention. Yeah,I�ve also heard of that superman thing!! You help some people an as a thank you you get a kick in the ass with it!! People suck! I also don�t know what to do! Well,maybe karma will be a bitch to them someday or something! Take care,gor!
nicole - 2005-06-16 08:48:54
You have a good heart, Ghost. Don't let your mind trail off so far that You forget that.

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