
madigan - 2005-06-12 23:51:44
personally, i agree with everything you have just said. Thank you for saying i dont have to. Especially the fact of preparing for the worst. Noone understands that... at all. they claim i hate the world. ha!
addie - 2005-06-13 00:08:23
prepare for the worst and expect the best, eh? i dunno aboot you, but i tend to expect the worst nonetheless when it comes to people... that way if something pleasant comes i am delightfully titilated to find a compadre like myself. another thing i don't know aboot, but would like to ask, is if you have ever had a problem having money on you 'cause you usually gave it away from the feeling of not needing it... yeah, i do too, unless i know i really have got to use it. or if the person asking for it if a mooch. i can't stand moochers. they know damn well they could get off their asses and make some money themselves! but noooo, somebody's gotta give into 'em and feed the little beasties... now i understand the diff b/t a mooch and somebody in need, so don't even try to play with me, moochers. ghost, i wrote a blog just for you, because we are both horny fucks blaming it on the heat. ::smooches:: ta ta
addie - 2005-06-13 16:24:15
man, bondage has been reeling in my head... like a whip wielding dominatrix coming for you... @_@
Gardenqueen - 2005-06-14 23:29:56
That's actually my life motto. Expect the best, prepare for the worst. In between, live the best life you can. Pessimist may more often be right, but optimists have more fun along the way. Nobody likes someone who's always right anyway. I always hope the next person I meet in life will be like you, hoping to meet a new friend.
Saturn0014 - 2005-06-15 08:17:48
Personally, I always expect the worst. But, once and awhile, life suprises me.
Saturn0014 - 2005-06-15 08:19:57
Personally, I always expect the worst. But, once and awhile, life suprises me.
Saturn0014 - 2005-06-15 08:19:57
Personally, I always expect the worst. But, once and awhile, life suprises me.
Dena - 2005-06-15 14:16:19
I usually have the mentality that "everything will be alright," and that usually soothes my crippling depression for a little while. I do my best to not expect anything, good nor bad. Sometimes this is impossible because you can't help but have some expectations of others. I think I expect too much out of others as I underestimate most people's shittiness, and when they don't meet my exact criteria, I get internally upset, but I try to battle my easily-flying-off-the-handle temperment with logic and doing my best to be a pragmatist. Come to think of it, if I let myself think about it, I see most things negatively, but that's because a majority of my life has been bullshit and it's the only thing I can go by.
Dena - 2005-06-15 14:17:49
I usually have the mentality that "everything will be alright," and that usually soothes my crippling depression for a little while. I do my best to not expect anything, good nor bad. Sometimes this is impossible because you can't help but have some expectations of others. I think I expect too much out of others as I underestimate most people's shittiness, and when they don't meet my exact criteria, I get internally upset, but I try to battle my easily-flying-off-the-handle temperment with logic and doing my best to be a pragmatist. Come to think of it, if I let myself think about it, I see most things negatively, but that's because a majority of my life has been bullshit and it's the only thing I can go by.
Dena - 2005-06-15 14:17:50
I usually have the mentality that "everything will be alright," and that usually soothes my crippling depression for a little while. I do my best to not expect anything, good nor bad. Sometimes this is impossible because you can't help but have some expectations of others. I think I expect too much out of others as I underestimate most people's shittiness, and when they don't meet my exact criteria, I get internally upset, but I try to battle my easily-flying-off-the-handle temperment with logic and doing my best to be a pragmatist. Come to think of it, if I let myself think about it, I see most things negatively, but that's because a majority of my life has been bullshit and it's the only thing I can go by.

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