
berkinix - 2005-03-25 13:31:56
Aw man. I grimaced with every damaged car part you mentioned. I'm going through similar shit with my car, so believe me, I feel your pain. Hope you have better luck with your insurance that I've had with mine. And I know big is better. That's what I've always said, man. Anyhow, peace to ya, bro.
berkinix - 2005-03-25 13:32:13
Aw man. I grimaced with every damaged car part you mentioned. I'm going through similar shit with my car, so believe me, I feel your pain. Hope you have better luck with your insurance that I've had with mine. And I know big is better. That's what I've always said, man. Anyhow, peace to ya, bro.
Luci - 2005-03-27 23:44:13
like i said, i'll send you money. I have no problem with it. You do no even need to pay me back! And don't feel bad about it....

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