
berkinix - 2005-02-25 02:06:05
o_O <-->[I can't add much more to that. But I mean it in a good way, dude.]
berkinix - 2005-02-25 02:06:43
o_O <-->[I can't add much more to that. But I mean it in a good way, dude.]
ebonylust - 2005-02-26 02:56:10
I'm willing to bet she'd do it whether or not you gave her advice.
Satan Himself - 2005-02-26 13:51:31
Just tell her that douche and vaseline is all she needs.
luci - 2005-02-27 03:11:57
you know, i was thinking of the same thing today when i was peircing yet another guys dick. he was gay ofcourse. he didn't mind me touching his dick. he said sorry if he gets hard, because he is thinking about his boyfriend. i didn't mind. i know my brother was straight for a while. he loved girls. he dated one and had sex with her. he was denial at this point that he was gay. he soon tried having sex with a guy and he liked it better. he was only 14 at the time. i also think that is why bisexual men date girls. they are pretty much in denial about liking men more. so, they try to get their mind off of it and date a girl. yet when they have sex with that girl, they can't get through to having an orgasm unless they are thinking that they are shoving their dick up a mans ass.... its the same way with lesbians. i think it is hot when two guys kiss... its interesting when two girls kiss... i was that way at a point in my life... i like guys more, so, i kind of k=figured that i am staight. yet, i still think girls are hot...
Casey - 2005-03-01 02:28:04
"I dont believe it is genetics at all." That's belief. If you don't seem to feel like you need to research it at all, you're going to sound like an idiot. Ask some gay people--if you know any--if they feel they chose to be homosexual. Don't just blabber on about your theories, you sound like a dumbass.

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