
Nicoli - 2005-02-13 19:52:58
You know, I've heard some pretty horrendous stories about guys who tried the vaccuum for a blowjob. They all ended up with severely lacerated penises. Not that you're going to go and try it, but you know, just as a warning...erm. Anyway. On that note, have fun with V-day and all. Cheerio! ::wink::
Jolene - 2005-02-13 22:01:31
Hopefully you didnt run off and give yourself a blowjob with a vacume. I really dont know what to say. I havent been homeless or things like that. But Feeling like no one loves you at all, feeling like you are hated and everyone stares at you? That is what i feel like everyday and even though people do love me..I feel alone sometimes even though i have a boyfriend. I hate the way i look and am looking forward to not eating again. i stopped cutting..And for awhile i was ok. but im not happy unless i feel thin and beautiful and feel like people love me. I even feel sorry for my boyfriend because hes out in public with crazy i know. When you see a gurl that you think you like or something like that then go for it no matter what! what if she's the one and you let her slip through your fingers? you cant let being shy stop you there is always someone that likes you and you never know. Try not to get to down ok? *~*Jolene*~*
luci - 2005-02-14 02:39:21
don't be a pussy! ask someone out this valetines! you need change mr. gor.... and its about time!
Dena - 2005-02-14 16:19:29
I just looked over. It's 4:20 and time to smoke a bowl.

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