
nikki - 2005-01-12 16:56:37
LMFAO! Damn HMO's!! That cracked me up though.
Luci - 2005-01-12 21:51:32
want my persription of vagina? i stopped using it long ago. there are 8 more refills left!
charminggirl - 2005-01-13 10:22:36
I'd shoot you for all that money. Of course it would be organized by you so that we would run off to Mexico and live like Kings. The reason Mexico is because I both legal in the USA and Mexico, thanks Grandma! We would by property by the ocean. Whoohoo. Where do I shoot you again?
charminggirl - 2005-01-13 10:25:11
Crappola! Me can'ts spell. :( Shut up it's early here. My brain isn't on yet.

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