
aza - 2004-12-21 20:56:36
awww...that's too sweet... very strange, i had the same urge to pierce something else today as well... my lip... or my ears again... and finally received my nosering i ordered offline... strange how a simple thing like that can make me so happy... glad things are looking up for ya... it's about damn time...
CatsPJs - 2004-12-22 00:02:08
I just read your entry from the 19th, now I feel like such a bitch for leaving you that note. Sorry.....
Shannon - 2004-12-22 02:06:19
Ear cartiledge (or however the fuck you spell it) is a bitch. I got mine done about 2 years ago and I can't wear anything but gold in it or it gets so infected I can't sleep on it. Better off with a tongue piercing...mmmm always had a fantasy about that...dont worry I am a girl lol
erica - 2004-12-22 16:09:19
I was just getting caught up after being on a vacation from any computers. I'm sorry to hear about the levy on your accounts. I work for a bank. Typically you can work something out as far as payment arrangements and have the funds remitted to you. The law is that they can only take what's in your account at the time and for them to continue to take funds from your accounts, they will have to go back to court and start the whole process over again. I understand how you feel. Since about 1999 I haven't gotten a tax return because it was offset by past-due student loans. My check has been garnished since 2002 to pay another student loan, and was garnished (on top of the student loan) by a hospital for not paying hospital bills. *I* am the one that has to go to the store w/the food stamp card, and WIC, and whatever resources I can find even though I work 40 hours a week, so trust me, there's no shame in doing what you can to survive. The real question is are you a carrot, an egg, or coffee?

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