
mia - 2004-12-20 21:21:06
I hope you feel better soon, as always you make me laugh my ass off =D thanks I really need it.. =) p.s. I love squishy hugs till i burst heh =P
Tara - 2004-12-20 21:49:57
I have taken note of the 'squishy hug' warning... but... I will not run. I hope things get better soon... you know what they say right? When life hands you lemons? Squeeze out the juice, and blind those assholes who would kick you when you're down. *hugs* T.
charminggirl - 2004-12-20 23:14:51
MMM wanking sessions... too bad it was mixed in with other body functions, I'm not into scat... perhaps another time. Oh, when you cum, make sure it's on your tummy and chest. Much more charming than toilet paper and paper towels. Just rub it in. MMMM.
Liz - 2004-12-21 00:01:52
hehe note taken from the squishy hugs thing but not taking advice. Squishy hugs are always welcome and we are always here to make you feel better, thats our job trust me! take care and remember there are always people the you mean something too! even if its just the crazy chick half way across the globe who reads ur diary everyday hope you feel better soon liz
luci - 2004-12-21 00:30:03
you get a shit load of more comments than i will ever get! i want a squishy hug that will burst my lungs

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