
Charming Girl - 2004-11-05 12:46:39
Don't worry I just stay at home too. My who life is taken over by motherhood, PTO, and children sports. The only thing I do in my spare time is make scarves for my son, he loves them, read, and watch movies... You are in my thoughts. Tah tah, kisses and hugs, even cuddling and all the too.
Earthchild44 - 2004-11-05 18:19:47
Most days I look forward to coming home after work and doing nothing, just curling up on the couch with a blanket and taking a nap. Don't let the boredom get to you. Hope you have a nice weekend, and spontaneity bumps into you when you're not looking.
beth - 2004-11-05 20:38:58
clever banners ghost.. i just saw the pierced/boyfriend one. its very rare indeed when a banner makes me laugh, and yours did. :)
Lisa - 2004-11-06 03:32:56
All i do is stay home then work...i just turned 21 so you think id be out partying my ass off. Nope. Very sucky indeed. BTW def spike your hair tommorrow....coolio.

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