
Madame Wolf - 2004-09-03 02:42:26
erica - 2004-09-03 15:31:27
Hey there. Well, I'm going to ask you some questions about politics since that seems to be your theme these last few days. I agree with you about neither candidate being very appealing, but I think Kerry is the lesser of two evils. I agree we should support our troups now that they're off in Iraq, but Kerry brings up a good point about Bush not leaving anyone here for "first response". Homeland security should start at home shouldn't it? I mean, while our troops are off fighting a war that has no hope of being won (the war on terrorism), our nations ports aren't secure, cargo isn't properly being screened, our boarders aren't as secure, etc. The budget for training was cut by like 70% or something. It just seems odd we have so many of our soldiers still fighting something that even Bush was quoted as saying "You can't really win a war on terrorism," to Matt Lauer on Today. Kinda freaky. I do think it should be noted that Bush has stuck to his guns, but I'm not sure I'd want those particular ones to be stuck. I'm glad we don't look like a bunch of pussies to other governments, but I'm not so glad that we appear arrogant and in need of being put in our place. It's a difficult call, but the latter seems to invite attack as much as the former. Anyway, I just figured I'd stick my two cents in since you asked for someone to talk to you. I respect your opinion. I hope that if Mickey Mouse wins he lowers the cost of admission to all amusement parks. I think that would be an excellent campaign promise. =)

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