
erica - 2004-07-20 16:00:41
I hate not being able to say things without sounding mean. Like when someone you're talking to has that nasty white saliva crust on the corners of their mouth from where they drooled in their sleep, and didn't bother to wash their face that morning. Why can't I just say.."Uh, ya nasty no-teeth-brushing thing, you might want to wash your face in the mornings so I'm not subjected to your crusted mouth corners when I speak to you," without sounding mean?
Liss - 2004-07-21 02:52:33
I was inspired by your list to write my own. That's addictive. I had to physically restrain myself from the keyboard, then come back later, after the tranquilizers kicked in. You never know when owning your very own straight jacket will come in handy...
Caitlin - 2004-07-25 12:30:13
Hey nice list...I enjoyed it and it inspired me as well to steal your idea...but I just wanted to let you know that you had it first, I'm just following. Thanks.

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