
Liss - 2004-07-19 17:22:07
I love your insights... feels like my thoughts sometimes. Just wanted to say that. Who knows what to write in these little blank boxes anyway? My diary only got voted 45% evil so I didn't put up the link...
M.Crawler - 2004-07-19 18:36:01
Wow...10 viles? Can you see straight? How much blood is that? I'd be a freaked out wreck! >.< I hate needles!
M.Crawler - 2004-07-19 19:12:49
I have a tattoo as well. It was the coolest experience of my life. Well...not my entire life. But it was damned cool and I was instantly addicted. However, I was also eventually quite sorry, as I had a terrible allergic reaction. But it's been 6 years so I figure why not? The pain of the reaction is no longer fresh. Why not try it again?!
M.Crawler - 2004-07-19 19:18:09
Hah! All it was, was hives. Big, nasty, long lasting hives. And a friend of mine who's a FANTASTIC tattoo artist believes that, from the sound of the reaction, it was an infection caused by the carrier oil in the cheap vitimin E oil I was told to use during healing.
M.Crawler - 2004-07-19 19:25:05
Heh. You make me chuckle. One of these days I'll give you a detailed discription of what can be found on the floor of a morgue, though usually it's just various smelly fluids, nothing that doesn't wash off. And if I die, at least I'll die pretty colours.
Miss Pyro - 2004-07-19 20:49:04
Hey!! HEY!!! Look over there. No!! Over There!! To the right! Ok... ok... look in the cookie jar!!! I Said LOOK IN THE COOKIE JAR!!! *ahem* Anyway. Glad the docs think you're lookin' sex-ah. Hehehe. Anywho, since I never get to talk to you anymore... Ciao! Peacin' Out!! ~*~

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